For the workplace that wants to take a comprehensive look at employees, managers, and all other staff members, using the right assessment tools, like the 360 assessment tool, is something that should be done. Not only does this tool take a look at individuals in an organization, from all levels, it allows workers to find out how they are doing, based on the feedback of their peers, managers, HR, and other staff members in the organization. So, no matter what kind of feedback you want to receive, the 360 assessment tool is a great way to get the feedback from all levels, and for a number of employees.
What it provides
The 360 assessment tool allows:
- Individuals to learn how well they are performing as an employee, co worker, or staff member, by being able to see the opinions they receive from those who are assessing them.
- Companies to ask everyone to take part in assessing, as opposed to simply asking managers to assess employees.
- Feedback, and allows for changes to be made based on the mission, vision, and the goals that an organization has set out; and,
- This type of assessment allows for interaction. The individuals who are chosen as the raters, will then interact with the individual who is being rated by the 360 assessment tool, so they can talk about why they gave a rating, and it allows the individual being rated to learn mistakes, and see what has to be changed, in order to improve their work ethic, and improve as a co worker, or a manager of a team.
- 360 assessment tool is a great tool, that is used at all levels, and provides feedback from all levels in the organization, rather than simply from the top down.
What the assessment is meant to do
The 360 assessment tool is meant to assist all individuals who are being rated, so they can see their strengths and weaknesses through the eyes of those who are working with them on a daily basis, and are rating them. This not only makes for a better workplace, after the assessment it also allows for better communication, and allows everyone to interact better, since they know what changes have to be made, and what their peers and managers expect from them. By learning errors and mistakes that are being made, everyone who is rated can make the right changes, to work better, and interact better, with those they are working on, on a regular basis.
Positive aspects of the 360 assessment tool
There are many positive aspects of incorporating the 360 assessment tool, as opposed to using traditional rating systems, where managers rate their employees, and nothing more. Some of the benefits to using this system are:
- Improved feedback from more sources. Since everyone and anyone in the organization can be rated, and chosen as a rater, this allows for free flow of conversation, and allows everyone to have their say in the company.
- Builds up teams. Team development is built, since everyone knows what their flaws and strengths are, and will then better interact, and work together, to create a much better workplace, and better results for the company.
- Personal development; knowing how peers view you, allows you to make necessary changes, so you can grow, and become the best possible co worker and employee.
- Improved customer service. Since customers are sometimes asked to take part in the 360 assessment tool, and rate employees they have interacted with, this assessment allows businesses to change certain things, to ensure customers are always happy; and,
- Training can be developed, based on the assessment. When managers and the head of the company know what issues certain employees and managers are having, they can develop training, to ensure these issues are dealt with, and improvements are made.
Of course the 360 assessment tool can result in disgruntled employees, and feelings possibly getting hurt, but it is an interactive form of assessment, and it allows for team growth in the long run. So, for companies that are looking to improve on all levels, and create the best possible workplace for everyone, using the 360 assessment tool, along with other tools, is a great way to learn about the organization, and make necessary changes for the best work environment.