Is your organization looking to save on hiring costs, increase revenue, and reduce risk this year?
Register now for our upcoming webinar on how talent acquisition professionals can drive positive business outcomes, featuring the leading research and advisory company for corporate learning, talent management, and HR.
A Conversation with The Josh Bersin Company:
How Talent Acquisition Professionals Can
Drive Positive Business Outcomes in 2023
Live Webinar
Tuesday, March 28th at 11am EDT
Webinar preview
Join The Josh Bersin Company’s Janet Mertens, Senior Vice President, Research and Stella Ioannidou, Director, Research, in a fireside chat to openly discuss how organizations can deploy a human-centered talent acquisition (TA) strategy to help increase bottom-line revenue while decreasing budget cost and procedural risk along the way.
Within the conversation, participants will hear insights from The Josh Bersin Company’s recent global study into the future of TA, as well learn a recommended talent acquisition maturity framework for strengthening the impact of business, people, and innovative outcomes.