Screening Questions

Advance the most qualified candidates with screening questions

Screening questions save time by narrowing your candidate pool, streamlining the hiring process, and identifying right-fit candidates earlier. They help candidates be aware of the criteria needed for the role and decide if they want to continue the process if those basic qualifications are not met.

Harver’s updated screening questions module filters out unqualified candidates so only those who meet requirements continue. Determine what you want to know from candidates upfront and ask the right questions to narrow down your applicant pool.

Choose from multiple item types, including simple yes or no questions, choosing one answer from a drop-down, or multiple-choice responses.

Plus, there may be some questions that you want to highlight to bring to the attention of a recruiter. For instance, perhaps you’re most interested in candidates who already hold a specific certification or have experience in a particular area. Within the screening questions configuration, you can highlight specific answers to bring the recruiter’s attention to candidates who answer questions in a particular way. This helps ensure they won’t be missed and allows recruiters to follow up immediately.

Find out more about using screening questions by contacting your Harver Account Manager or Request a Demo.

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