Situational Judgement Test

Give candidates a glimpse of a day in the life.

What is a Situational Judgement Test?

A Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is a popular behavioral assessment tool that presents applicants with realistic scenarios related to the day-to-day challenges and activities of the job in question. Candidates choose what the best and worst response to these scenarios are in their opinion.

This allows you to gauge if their natural reactions suit the ideal behavior for the specific role and company overall. At the same time, your applicants can get a virtual preview of a day on the job—meaning you’ll both get a sense of the fit to your organization.


Harver’s interactive SJTs are customizable to meet your needs.

Harver’s feature video-based situational judgement tests allow you to see how your applicants would behave in a variety of real-life workplace situations. Video SJTs administered online provide candidates with a deeper understanding of what the job entails, making your interviews more meaningful and your entire candidate selection process more effective. Our team takes care of the entire production process from start to finish!

Harver SJTs are designed by industrial organizational (IO) psychologists and verified among actual employees. The top performer analysis identifies what responses are predictive for success in the role. This ensures that you can quickly pinpoint which applicants are most suitable for the role and company culture.

Implement custom SJTs tailored to your needs.

Our consultants create custom SJTs by doing a deep dive into the specifics of each role. We shadow employees on the job, ask relevant questions and perform a job analysis to see what the common challenges are and how to respond to them. Following this process allows us to create the most realistic experience possible to help you find the best fit for your business.

Set the right expectations and reduce turnover.

Harver’s SJTs provide a realistic preview for the roles early on, so you can be sure the candidates you select understand the job and are a good fit. Showing the candidates what the job is really about from the start helps significantly reduce employee turnover by managing expectations.

Showcase your company culture in an engaging experience.

Harver’s SJTs serve as a branded video presentation about your organization. This allows you to show applicants your company’s values and culture before they’re hired in an interactive experience. They can see if the role and culture are a fit for them and you can rest assured that you’re matching the right roles with the right people.

Schedule your demo today.

See the platform in action and discover the power of incorporating interactive SJTs in your application process.


While SJTs are useful for a wide variety of jobs, they’re especially effective for any that require volume hiring, like retail client services and supply chain and logistics, because they allow to assess large numbers of candidates in a short time. They are also beneficial when hiring for jobs that typically have high attrition rates, as this is often due to mismanaged expectations that SJTs help set right. Additionally, SJTs are commonly used for managerial roles and other jobs that require effective interpersonal interactions.
Some SJTs are built using primarily text and/or images, but at Harver we use video-based games to create an immersive, life-like experience. Video-based SJTs are proven to be more engaging and can provide applicants with a more realistic preview of what to expect from the job and company culture.
SJTs are predictive of job performance across roles and have lower adverse impact than other selection methods like cognitive ability assessments. Our tests are developed by IO-psychologists and display high levels of content validity, criterion-related validity and face validity to ensure accuracy.
Situational Judgement Tests can significantly improve the candidate experience by helping them learn what the job is really about in an interactive way, so they can de-select themselves from the process early on if they don’t like what they see. And because Harver’s SJTs are administered online, the process is fast and convenient for applicants.

Setting SJTs up isn’t a simple process—especially the more interactive tests that feature video-based games rather than text—and it requires expert help. You also need to collect a lot of data to make the assessment reliable, which will likely require upfront assistance as well. And of course there’s the question of cost.

SJTs aren’t cheap, but the return on investment is high thanks to reduced turnover. Losing employees costs money, and decreasing turnover rates means saving money when all is said and done. The good news is that at Harver, our team takes care of the entire production process!

Yes, absolutely! SJTs are designed to test behavior rather than job knowledge, so you can test any and all candidates that you’re considering. Remember that hard skills can be learned, while soft skills like interpersonal communication, problem-solving and leadership are invaluable and more difficult to gain.

Choose from a wide variety of scientifically proven assessments.

Learning Agility

Typing Test

Spoken Language Assessment

Learning Agility

Typing Test

Spoken Language Assessment

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